
The BFA in Animation, 电影, Photography 和 运动 设计 (法新社&MD) teaches all aspects of the production process. 法新社&MD classes are structured around experiential learning, 通过反映行业标准的个人和合作项目为学生提供广泛的动手实践.

法新社&MD鼓励学生探索自己的激情和兴趣,允许根据个人职业目标定制某些项目. 法新社&MD培养了一个积极的学习环境,以实验和探索为重点,强调时间的研究, motion 和 light in regards to various narrative, 非小说类, 实验 entertainment fields. 学生发展成为批判性、分析性和独立的问题解决者、思考者和创造者.

The program offers cross-disciplinary coursework, which emphasizes the relationships between Animation, 电影, Photography so that each course enhances the others. The program begins with foundation courses in 2D 设计, 雕塑, 画, 和艺术史, which provides solid skills 和 historical context to their major. 早在大一的时候,学生们就开始创作短片、动画和照片.

Travel opportunities 和 field trips are available. 法新社&医学博士的学生与CMU生物学的学生合作,在秘鲁研究和拍摄蝴蝶, 最终在CMU美术馆举办了一场学生照片和视频展览



Assistant Professor of Animation 和 Digital 电影making

Evan Curtis next to one of his film characters


Evan Curtis网站

Example of Evan Curtis' Animation 和 Digital 电影making:

Instructor of Photography, Forrest Zerbe

Forrest Zerbe reviewing some note in class


The arts have always played a major role in my life. I grew up in a family that held education 和 culture in high esteem. 年轻时,我花了很多时间在木工车间和暗房工作. 我喜欢这两个地方,因为它们可以让我发挥创造力,用我的双手工作. 我在大学期间学习了各种各样的学科,发现了自己的兴趣所在. 我以木工为重点完成了本科学业,并决定在萨凡纳艺术与设计学院(SCAD)攻读家具设计研究生.

我从未停止过摄影, 但我要冒险回到SCAD的暗室,参加正式的摄影课程,才能决定它将是我的主要媒介和前进的重点. 我把我的时间和精力都投入到掌握这种艺术形式的技术上,并享受回到暗室的时光. 我从SCAD获得了摄影硕士学位,并在接下来的六年里作为一名专业摄影师旅行和工作. My bread 和 butter was portraiture, but I also did commercial product shooting 和 website construction. 在21世纪初,当技术彻底改变了艺术形式时,我有幸成为摄影行业的一员. I began teaching at pp电子极速糖果 in the Art & 2013年设计部. 除了教学,我还喜欢旅行,喜欢在暗室和工作室里度过时光.

Example of Forrest Zerbe's Photography work:


Instructor of 电影making, Jeff Gustafson

Jeff Gustafson running some equipment on set

Jeff Gustafson的网站


杰夫曾在缅因州到夏威夷等地担任摄影总监. 他拍过剧情片, directed commercials 和 short-form videos, 从奥斯卡提名电影到国际汽车广告,再到独立电影和深夜电视广告,他的工作范围都很广. 他的简历包括电影《 拿破仑炸药, 127小时, 歌舞青春2 和 3.

他在杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)获得文学学士学位,主修电影摄影,并在德克萨斯大学(Texas a)获得可视化美术硕士学位&米大学. He has been mentored by artists from Disney Animation, 在Adobe总部实习, worked for the Sundance 电影 Festival. His work in 3D 动画 has been exhibited at SIGGRAPH, the world’s largest computer graphics 和 动画 conference.

当他不教书的时候, Jeff works from his home studio as an editor 和 colorist, allowing him time to be with his wife 和 two children.

Example of Jeff Gustafson's 电影making work:

ARTA 123灯! 相机! 行动!

探索数字设计和基于时间的媒体的基本组成部分, 比如摄影, 动画, 数字电影制作, 运动设计. 学生专注于光、声和运动的元素,作为关键的基于时间的设计因素. 个人和小组项目.

ARTA 222 Principles of Digital Photography



介绍与图像和基于时间的媒体相关的工具、技术和实践. Integration of images, typography, digital film, sound.

ARTA 224电影原理

Introduction to various stages of film production. 强调剧本写作,计划和调度,相机,镜头,灯光和编辑.

ARTA 225动画原理


ARTA 296主题

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

ARTA 322中级摄影


ARTA 323 Character 设计 和 Story Concepts

深入探索故事的力量以及它如何影响设计过程. World building through character design 和 concept art for 动画, 真人, 漫画, 还有电子游戏. Individual 和 collaborative projects.

ARTA 324动画制作

通过先进的个人或合作短动画和人物表演发展个人审美, based on original concepts 和 stories. Involves storyboarding, pre-production, post-production.

ARTA 325 3D数字建模

Exploration of the basics of 3D 动画. 专注于建模,纹理,照明,相机,动画和渲染. Emphasis will also be on creative expression in these areas.

ARTA 326中级电影制作

的延续 ARTA 224. Exploration of intermediate filmmaking techniques 和 aesthetics.

ARTA 327 Sound 设计 和 Post-Production

通过包括编辑在内的后期制作技术探索声音和图像之间的关系, 着色, 和声音设计. Create Foley sound effects for short films, podcasts, 还有电子游戏.

ARTA 396主题

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

ARTA 421高级电影制作


ARTA 422 Advanced Photography 和 Studio Lighting


ARTA 424 Animation, 电影, Photography Studio I

为个人或合作的毕业论文进行前期制作和概念开发. 鼓励学生关注他们的个人兴趣、职业目标和作品集需求.

ARTA 425 Animation, 电影, Photography Studio II

的延续 ARTA 424; Production of individual or collaborative thesis. 重点放在行业标准的专业展示在投资组合, 节日, 以及公共展览.

ARTA 426高级运动工作室

Development of emerging personal direction. 独一无二的机会, 实验, 和个人项目单独工作或与其他学生合作.

ARTA 427投资组合和演示卷轴

演示卷的准备, 重新开始, promotional materials for entry into the professional job market.

ARTA 496主题

Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.


Course may be taken multiple times up to maximum of 15 credit hours.

  • 两个Mac实验室.
    - The Mac labs are equipped with Wacom Cintiqs, Adobe Creative Cloud, Autodesk Maya, 搅拌机, 和达芬奇的决心.

  • 摄影工作室.

  • 两个小定格动画工作室.

  • DSLR cameras 和 a Black Magic 6K for Digital 电影 classes.

  • 有关学生在进入课程时需要的设备和资源的信息,请点击下面的链接.

If you are interested in joining the Animation, 运动, 摄影俱乐部(AMP), or for more information please contact Professor Evan Curtis.


动画Showreel 2021


CMU的艺术 & 设计部门与CMU的表演艺术部门合作制作了《她杀死怪物》. 观看学生卡特丽娜·奥多姆讨论动画制作过程的视频.



Artwork by student Catrina Odom with Animation
和 Digital 电影making Professor Evan Curtis.

电影making Courses with Instructor Jeff
Gustafson:Director Taylor Yates takes a

Character 设计 by student Jinglin Huang with Animation
和 Digital 电影making Professor Evan Curtis.





电影making Courses with Instructor Jeff Gustafson:
Director of photography Aaron Lewis
和 director Taylor Yates discuss a shot

电影making Courses with Instructor Jeff Gustafson:
Victor Richardson 和 Mikel Keeler-Howarth

Character 设计 by student Catrina Odom with Animation
和 Digital 电影making Professor Evan Curtis.

Artwork by student Syd Smith with Animation
和 Digital 电影making Professor Evan Curtis.