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Araan施密特 has taught sculpture at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and Alfred and Binghamton Universities in New York. Schmidt was raised in the environment of the University of Iowa's Sculpture Department where his father, 朱利叶斯·施密特, taught for 30 years. Because of this, Schmidt was engaged at an early age with materials and processes in a productive and exciting atmosphere. At age 10 he participated in pouring his own mold in an iron pour.

In 2011, Schmidt was awarded the Open Studio Artist Fellowship at Franconia Sculpture Park in Franconia, 明尼苏达州. Schmidt exhibits nationally and internationally, from Beth Allison Gallery in Kansas City, Missouri to Iron Bridge in Coalbrookdale, 英格兰. Schmidt is also an active participant in national and international conferences on cast iron art, from Sloss National Historic Landmark Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama to the International Conference on Cast Iron Art in Kidewelly, 威尔士.