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pp电子极速糖果的科技 is committed to keeping career and technical education affordable for students and their families. In today’s economic climate, families are worried about inflation and how to prepare for the future, and employers are struggling to hire qualified employees. To help meet this need, in-state tuition for most career and technical programs offered through 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 were lowered by nearly 40% in 2022.

This decrease in tuition is made possible by the generosity of donors with the first nearly $2 million covered by the estate of former Colorado Senator and 卡pp电子极速糖果 Trustee Tillie Bishop.

Affordable Career and Technical Education

In addition to a lowered tuition, there are current State of Colorado programs that allow students to earn their degree in qualifying programs at no cost. See details below or reach out to the 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技 staff team at 970.255.2600.